Spring Sunday School begins February 4

Adult and High School Youth Classes:

Minor Prophets: Hosea, Micah, Jonah

Someone once referred to the minor prophets as the “formal living room” of the Bible – nice for certain occasions, but most of the time we just don’t go there. Although some of us may avoid reading the so-called “minor” prophets because they can be challenging to understand and apply, studying these books will provide great benefit (see 2 Timothy 3:16) through their major revelations of God and His character.  

Location: Fellowship Hall
Teachers: Jonathan Guin and Phil Bishop.
Discover Missions: 6 Ways to Reach God’s World

God’s passion to reach all nations with His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ is evident throughout the Bible, and all Christians have a part to play in carrying out God’s plan.  This class introduces six ways for Christians to be involved in missions (Go, Send, Pray, Mobilize, Welcome, Pray, and Learn).  Our prayer is that this class will spark a passionate and practical involvement in global missions, as each participant finds ways to use their unique gifts for God’s purposes in the world.
Location: Annex
Teachers: David Fletcher and Chad and Mallie Berry

Middle School Class:

Minor Prophets: Jonah, Micah, Nahum

Our Middle School students will also be studying three of the minor prophets – Jonah, Micah, and Nahum.
Location: Library
Teachers: Brent Hutto, Charlie Monroe, and Keith Watson