Living in Victory
by Ben Talmadge on August 7th, 2024
Check out the link below for a great Puritan resource on living in victory over sin and temptation:...  Read More
A Full-Time Faith
by Tim WIlson on August 7th, 2024
A full-time ministry position can be ambiguous. Depending on the person, the church, and the role, there are a variety of ideas about what that job may actually entail. I think about the meme from a few years back where there were six very different pictures that illustrated six very different perspectives on any given job. Taking a youth pastor for example, one picture may show what the pastor’s ...  Read More
The Goal of Faith
by Ben Talmadge on August 7th, 2024
In yesterday’s corporate worship service, we explored two instances in Matthew 9:18-26 of Jesus healing individuals who place their faith in him. In Matthew 9:27-31 another instance of healing is seen as two blind men exercise faith in Jesus. An interesting note about these two men is that they demonstrate intriguing perception into the true identity of Jesus, referring to him as the “Son of David...  Read More
Discipled by Creation
by Ben Talmadge on August 7th, 2024
Several years ago, I read an article that was written to help folks struggling with pornography. One piece of practical counsel it offered was simply “walk outside.” In other words, one simple way to flee the false offer of experiencing beauty is by learning to enjoy the true beauty of God’s creation. In Matthew 28:18-27 we find three references to God’s creation that may be helpful for us as we l...  Read More
Oh How I Love the Word
by shannon gray on August 7th, 2024
The Women’s Ministry theme this year is “Journey On.” As followers of Jesus, we’re on a path toward God, through triumphs and trials. Thankfully, our Shepherd has equipped us for our earthly journey with all we need—the Word, the Holy Spirit, and each other.This marks the 30th year the Women of Grace have gone on a retreat to focus on our relationship with God in the midst of community. One of our...  Read More
Lessons on Hell from Matthew 8:11-12
by Ben Talmadge on August 7th, 2024
In his conversation with the Roman centurion recorded in Matthew 8, Jesus makes a reference to hell. While the word “hell” is not actually used, the same characteristics used to describe hell in other parts of Scripture are used here by Jesus. Here are three key takeaways about hell from these two verses:1. “The sons of the kingdom.” This phrase in this context refers to Jews who reject Jesus. Tho...  Read More