Creation Points us to Christ
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
One of the realities of our eternity with the Lord will be using perfected bodies to interact with a perfected earth. Presumably we will traverse high mountains, skip through meadows with every color of flower imaginable, swim in crystal clear seas, explore lush forests, all while enjoying the company of perfected relationships with one another and with the Lord. Part of cultivating hope in the re...  Read More
Christ's Offer of Eternity
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
The opening verses of John’s gospel provide us with unique perspective on God reaching out from the eternal into our world. Jesus, described there as “the Word,” takes on flesh and dwells among us. He is referred to as “the true light” coming into the world, and yet, shockingly, we are told that he is rejected by many. The created reject the Creator. However, for the ones who receive him, they bec...  Read More
In Everything
by Tim WIlson on July 25th, 2024
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thess. 5:18 (NKJV)While this is the verse most often quoted in this season of thanksgiving I would submit it is also the verse most misunderstood. And in a year where it seems everyone has endured at least some measure of challenge, it is almost assured that this verse will be used to say we should be thankful for th...  Read More
Remembering God in the Mess
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
As we walked down the trail I found myself engaging my kids with one single, focused message: “stay out of the mud!” Rather than enjoy the beauty around us, defeating the mud became my top priority. Fortunately, as we made our way deeper into the forest, something caught my eye above the gurgling creek off to our left: a majestic hawk perched calmly on a tree branch, quietly surveying the surround...  Read More
Being Real About our Struggles
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
Being Real About Our Struggles   I sometimes find it difficult to be real about my struggles. Perhaps you do too. This is a common experience, for we fear that if others knew our struggles, then they may not accept us, or worse, they may outright condemn us. In the first several verses of 2 Corinthians 6 Paul communicates very vulnerably about his struggles. He says his “heart is wide open” toward...  Read More
You Failed
by Collin Sherrill on July 25th, 2024
These simple words carry a lot of weight, weight that is hard to describe and yet extremely real. Failure is something few like to talk about and even fewer like to admit. I find it odd, though, because it’s all around us on a daily basis. For example, I set my alarm this morning for 5:00am but hit the snooze button multiple times. Now that seems really knit picky and harsh but it’s a small exampl...  Read More