Seeing Clearly
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
Seeing Clearly   In Exodus 3 we find Moses face to face with God on a mountaintop. In fact, mountaintops would go on to become a significant place for Moses, a place where he experienced the Lord in intimate and unique ways. Later he would receive the law from God on the same mountaintop; then, he would get to look onto the Promised Land from a mountaintop; finally, he would make a posthumous appe...  Read More
Supporting Missions - A Family Affair
by Tim Thomassian on July 25th, 2024
My parents have always held missions in high regard and the importance of spreading the gospel around the globe. In my growing up years, stories were read, principles taught, pennies were saved, and prayers were offered. Not only did Dad and Mom teach it, they lived it by leading countless domestic and international short-term mission trips. I had the privilege of participating in some of those. T...  Read More
God's Wilderness Lessons
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
God’s Wilderness Lessons The wilderness is a place used throughout scripture to shape and form God’s people. Thought we may not necessarily physically go to wilderness places to be shaped by God today, we certainly experience seasons of wilderness, times where we are waiting and things are hard and slow. So, what are some lessons the Lord teaches his people through wilderness experiences? We are t...  Read More
Being the Church Through Regathering
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
Well, we have effectively entered the next phase of attempting to navigate a COVID-19 world. If we thought quarantine was difficult, now we have the challenge of figuring out how to regather. In some ways this may be the trickiest phase yet. And why is that? Mainly because we all have different thoughts and opinions about when and how to do that. Though we have been given some guidance by our civi...  Read More
Jesus Used Technology
by Tim WIlson on July 25th, 2024
Did you know that Jesus utilized technology?  Now clearly he did not live stream the Sermon on the Mount, or post the Last Supper on Instagram, but nonetheless throughout his short time in earthly ministry he utilized the best means available to him as he presented the good news of the gospel to those around him.  Mark 4 provides us with a great example of this as Jesus is teaching a crowd of peop...  Read More
Creating Sacred Times and Spaces
by Ben Talmadge on July 25th, 2024
Creating Sacred Times and Places In Psalm 84 we hear the desire of a worshiper to be in the presence of others worshiping God in the temple. The lives of ancient Israel were organized by the Lord into certain weekly, monthly, and annual rhythms that helped them to connect with both the Lord and others in particular ways. As they engaged in these rhythms they had a built-in system that helped them ...  Read More