Thank you for your willingness to serve the Grace family and our visitors!

Our goal remains the same: besides serving coffee and snacks, we want to make everyone feel welcome! Introduce yourself to visitors or someone you might not know and look for ways to introduce them to other people if you have the chance!

BEFORE SUNDAY SCHOOL:   Max (or his sub) will arrive early to make coffee and heat water, so they will have already gotten things going before you arrive. On Sundays when we have Sunday School, please arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. Earlier is better if you can make it! On Sundays when we do not have Sunday School, please arrive by 9:30 a.m., if not a few minutes before.

SUPPLIES:  Coffee/tea supplies are in the tall cabinet to the left of the ovens. Please set supplies on the table outside the kitchen. This includes the tall canisters of creamer and sugar, the small containers of different alternative sweeteners, the various bowls of flavored creamers, the cup of stirrers, and the basket of lids. Please take note if any of these items need to be refilled as you place them on the table. Cups, lids, napkins, as well as signs (like the ‘Coffee Bar’ one), are in the middle of the bottom drawers.

SNACKS: Snacks are sliced and placed on individual napkins for easy pick up. We also have prefilled cups of ice water for easy pick up as well (these two things have been especially helpful for the kiddos!). Make sure snacks and water cups stay replenished throughout the morning.

TIMES: The Coffee Bar opens when everything is ready, then closes from 9:25-10:15 for Sunday School. If attending Sunday School, please excuse yourself a few minutes early to make sure everything is ready to go before the mad rush that usually happens before church! The Coffee Bar then closes at 10:25

CLEAN-UP:  It is within the duties of the Coffee Bar servers to clean up.  Make sure everything is cleaned from the table outside the kitchen and the tablecloth is wiped down. Look for spills on the wall/door behind the table and on the floor.  All supplies return to their original locations.  The urns need to be emptied and rinsed (including running water through the dispenser) and returned to the lower cabinet to the right of the cooktop.  Wipe down the counter and leave any leftover snacks, a jar of cold water, and a few cups and lids.

DUTY:  Each week the Coffee Team members are listed in the Friday Email.  Take note when it is your Sunday to serve. Post the list in a place where you will be reminded, like a phone calendar.

SUBSTITUTES:  If you cannot serve on any of your dates, it is your responsibility to find a substitute - you may ask Carla or Barry for help. It is important to have two people serving alongside Max (or his sub) as he keeps the coffee brewing!

Thank you so much for your willingness to serve in the ministry at Grace!  You are all a blessing.

Carla Roig (205.657.8679), Barry Newson, & Max Smith