Fellowship Hall and Kitchen Use: Set-up & Clean-up Responsibilities
Specifically for Shepherding Groups having a group gathering or a shower
Some of these instructions apply just to Sundays, but most will apply to anytime the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen are used.
- Building Use Requests must be made in advance by using the link in the Friday Email or our website. To request a date for a Shower, please call the Church Secretary.
- For a Shepherding Group event of any kind, please make the group aware that set up and clean up is EVERYONE'S responsibility. At the very least, arrange for a team to be in charge of getting things set up and a team in charge of cleaning up and getting the rooms back as they were found. This is part of teaching your group to serve one another.
- On Sunday mornings, store all cold items in the CE refrigerator (in 4th & 5th Grades Classroom).
- Items will need to be placed there before SS begins, which is 9:15am, or after SS, which is 10:15-10:30.
- Do not place large trays in kitchen refrigerator or other large items (including gallon jugs) as the door will not close.
- Please not be in the Kitchen on Sunday mornings prior to 12:15. Members of the Communion Prep and Coffee Bar Teams will be in the Kitchen before, during, and after SS and right after church.
- On Sunday mornings, store all non-refrigerated items either in your vehicle or on the cart/shelves in the Food Pantry (the door to the left of the kitchen). Putting crockpots on the Fellowship Hall counter is okay but they cannot be turned on until SS is over and can’t be brought in once SS has begun.
- We ask that no one be doing any prep-work in the building until after the Worship Service ends.
- On Sundays, have someone from your group touch base with the Security Team person on duty and let them know you are staying and that you will set the alarm. If there is another group in the building, let them know if you leave before they do so they will know the building is empty.
- We will have Tim Wilson set the AC/heat beforehand.
- There are punch bowls under the kitchen cabinet next to the dishwasher and ladles in the 2nd drawer under the stove, if needed for a Bridal or Baby Shower.
- When event is done, wash, dry, and put away all utensils and dishes in the Kitchen. Do not leave any items drying on the counter or in the drainer. The dishwasher is typically used on Sunday mornings by the nursery captain. You may use the dishwasher, but you will need to put the dishes you remove away. Dish towels are in the 2nd drawer to the right of the Kitchen sink. Leave dirty dish towels on the counter in the Kitchen.
- Wipe down all counters in the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall using a damp cloth or paper towel or a Clorox Wipe (found under the sink in the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall).
- Return any items borrowed from the CE Closet or Annex Closet to where they were. Do not leave anything out, i.e. vases with flowers, leftover food, etc.
- Sweep the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, and hallway between those rooms; spot mop if needed (using water only - mop is in the Custodial Closet - 1st door on the right in the Children’s Area - key is in the hallway desk). All must be left clean.
- Take down all tables that you put up. Chairs should be lined up like you found them.
- Take all trash in Fellowship Hall and Kitchen to the dumpster and replace bags (can be found in the Custodial Closet).
- When you leave the building, if you are the last group here, make sure ALL lights are off (check bathrooms), and the outside doors are locked. Set the alarm by pressing and holding “AWAY” or the empty house button; alarm panels are at the side and back entrances and at the entrance to the main offices in the Foyer.
These instructions are based on our building use policy. If you have any questions, please contact Nita.
Thank you!
Thank you!