Grace Church, please welcome in our newest members, Josh and Jamie Albright! Josh and Jamie are both teachers—Josh is at ACA, and Jamie teaches in the Tuscaloosa County system. You won't be at all surprised to learn that both Josh and Jamie love books, especially the old-fashioned kind that you hold in your hands and have pages to flip. Josh and Jamie are good listeners—people seek them out to share their thoughts and feelings. They differ on plenty of preferences though: Josh loves the art of architecture while Jamie would rather appreciate a garden; Josh's favorite piece of clothing he owns is a pair of shoes while Jamie's favorite is a jacket. In the "things they'd like to learn" category, Josh would like to learn about raising chickens and rabbits, and Jamie would like to learn another language. In both cases, they've landed in the right place by joining Grace Church!
Seek out the Albrights this week and welcome them to the Grace Family.

by Lori White