We Are Not Cool
by nita hallman on August 5th, 2024
Pastor Ben recently shared a link to an article entitled “In Praise of the Boring, Uncool Church.” I found it a very interesting and relatable read. Around the Church Office we will often joke and say, “We can’t do that. That’s too cool and we are not a cool church.” It is meant in fun, but really, it is true (at least according to the world’s standards), and it is intentional.This quote from the ...  Read More
Reading Scripture for Transformation
by ben talmadge on August 5th, 2024
In God’s making of covenant with his people in Exodus 24, the people respond by agreeing to obey all of the commands God has given them. There is an important principle here, namely, that God’s words are meant to not just be acknowledged as important information; rather, they are intended to be followed in a way that brings transformation. In his book “Living by the Book” Howard Hendricks offers n...  Read More
OT Law in Today's Society
by ben talmadge on August 5th, 2024
One of the categories of laws for God’s people in the Old Testament can referred to as societal or civil law. This past Sunday we referenced multiple categories of these types of laws (i.e. laws of slavery, protection against injury, restitution, social justice). Because God’s people in the Old Testament formed their own unique society as an independent nation-state, there were certain laws put in...  Read More
Learning to Share
by ben talmadge on August 5th, 2024
 After sitting through the Sunday School class on parenting this past spring, Anna Grace and I have had our fair share of parenting conversations lately. One helpful concept from that class is the realization that our approach to parenting has to shift over the course of a child’s life. The issues a parent is facing with a six-year-old are different from those of a sixteen-year-old (or at least th...  Read More
Motherhood: A Picture of the Gospel
by tim wilson on August 5th, 2024
My youngest is now two weeks old. A lot has gone through my mind over the past fourteen days but two thoughts have dominated the rest; the wonder of new life, and the sacrifice of motherhood.While this is not the first time I have looked at a newborn who has just uttered their first cry and been reminded that human life is fearfully and wonderfully made, that we are all, male and female, made in t...  Read More
Exodus and Jesus
by ben talmadge on August 5th, 2024
Below are four key New Testament passages that demonstrate direct connection between the events of  Exodus and the person of Jesus:1. Luke 9:31: “And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” In this account of Jesus’ transfiguration, we are told that he actually speaks with Moses and Elij...  Read More