Living the Dream: The Joseph Story
by Ben Talmadge on July 24th, 2024
As we jump into the Joseph story, it may be helpful to have a big picture understanding of the flow and structure of the overall book of Genesis. Below are two short videos from The Bible Project that provide a simple visual overview of the book. Children would enjoy these too!...  Read More
Preparing to Share
by Ben Talmadge on July 24th, 2024
Preparing to ShareIn Numbers 20 the people of God begin to move again. They have been in the wilderness for 40 years, and it is now finally time for them to resume their journey toward the Promised Land. We read of obstacles that pop up for them in their quest to move into the land, battles that must be fought, temptations that must be avoided, all sorts of things that make for interesting reading...  Read More
Why a Spring Fling?
by Ben Talmadge on July 24th, 2024
Five months ago I had an idea: what if we created a space for us as a congregation where the goal is to come together and play? As I chewed on it and bounced it around with the staff and elders, I thought of a hundred reasons why we shouldn’t do it. As the reasons NOT to do it escalated, I decided to try thinking of reasons we should at least try it. Here’s what I came up with:Playing together bui...  Read More
Conversations With Christ
by Ben Talmadge on July 24th, 2024
One of my favorite little resources for learning to read the Bible is a short book called One to One Bible Reading by David Helm. In it he outlines multiple methods and approaches to studying and chewing on passages of scripture. For both our Palm Sunday and Easter services, as well as our Holy Week booklet, we focused on different passages from the gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). Below ...  Read More
Chasing Eternity: Wise Words
by Ben Talmadge on July 24th, 2024
Chasing Eternity: Wise WordsEmbedded throughout the book of Ecclesiastes are examples of wise words, many of which we did not have time to cover in our overview of the book. Below I have listed seven of my favorites:Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after the wind (4:6).Better was a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who no longer knew how to...  Read More
Piano Lessons
by Ben Talmadge on July 24th, 2024
Piano LessonsSix months ago I started taking piano lessons. I’m not exactly sure why, except that it’s been a “bucket list” item of mine for a while now. Also, someone recommended a teacher: Ms. Pamelia Bedingfield (picture your classic southern grandmother). Now, it is important to understand that I have absolutely no prior music experience. When I shared that with Ms. Pamelia at our first meetin...  Read More