Posts with the tag “digging-deeper”

The Belt of Truth - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on September 27th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. To listen to the sermon, click the link above.Intro: (1) series recap -- last week’s handout (2) 2023 word of the yearTruth in Concept1. Truth as a belt: (1) belt holds everything together -- Jax tackling while pulling his pants up (2) the other parts of the armor rely on the foundation of the...  Read More
The Armor of God - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on September 24th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. To listen to the sermon, click the link above.Intro: (1) series recap (2) spiritual warfare — painting golden gate bridge (3) read passageOur Enemy (12)1. He is spiritual: (1) “devil” in v.11 — minions in v.12 (2) origins in 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6 (cf. Isaiah 14) (3) they occupy the “heavenly pl...  Read More
God and Government Part 2 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on September 13th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. To listen to the sermon, click the link above.Intro: (1) recap (2) loving others with different politics - app both inside and outside the churchAdjust Expectations: (1) read Matthew 10:2-4 (2) descriptions of only three (3) Matthew vs. Simon - imaginary Peter conversation (3) don’t assume eve...  Read More
God and Government Part 1 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on September 12th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. To listen to the sermon, click the link above.Intro: (1) election year (2) How the Nations Rage (Leeman)Purposes of Government1. Building peace: (1) Genesis 9 the resetting of creation — v.1-7 repeat the command given to Adam and Eve (2) God desires the flourishing of people, cultures (cf. Jo...  Read More
Foundations: Community - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 23rd, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. To listen to the sermon, click the link above.Intro: (1) August series (2) community — need to belong (cf. tv shows, social media) (3) five practicesComing: (1) Acts 20:7-12 (2) “first day of the week” — regular times of meeting (cf. three-legged stool) (3) “breaking bread” — communion, other ...  Read More
Foundations: Prayer - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 16th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) prayer service (2) praying the psalms — God’s Prayer Program (T.M. Moore)Why – greater awareness of1. God’s power: (1) 104:1-3 — images convey God’s greatness/glory (cf. Isaiah, transfiguration) (2) 2:1-4 — God has declared a king that all other kings are to recognize, their attempt...  Read More
Foundations: Worship - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) August preaching (2) valuing God more than anything else — olympians’ quest for goldWorship as Rest1. Resting in a person (Mt. 11:28-29): (1) worship begins with an invitation (2) description of us vs. description of Jesus (3) only way to find “rest for your souls” (4) this is hard ...  Read More
A Leviticus Life, Part 2: Holy Vows - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) comes full circle by returning to voluntary offerings (2) holiness via commitmentVowing our lives (1-8): (1) these verses address individuals who could be dedicated to the Lord for special service (2) payment could be made in the place of one’s service, based on valuation of differen...  Read More
A Leviticus Life, Part 2: Holy Rhythms - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) series recap (2) sabbath — God’s creation (rest) and Israel’s story (redemption)Rhythms1. Passover (4-5): (1) read v.4-5 (2) 14th day of first month (3) remembering birth of nation upon release from Egypt (4) initial use of substitutionary blood (5) Jesus now our Passover lamb (cf. ...  Read More
A Leviticus Life, Part 2: Holy Leaders - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) series recap (2) three levels of leadership (3) six areas in which spiritual leaders live differentlyDeath (21:1-6, 10-12):(1) read v.1-2 (2) contact with/mourning for the dead (i.e. self-mutilation) —connected to curse of sin (2) conveying hope in God even in times of sadness (4) ...  Read More
A Leviticus Life, Part 2: Holy Obedience - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) importance of repetition (2) nuances of “careful obedience” (cf. cleaning room)Holy Belief (1-6, 27)Exposition (1) passage begins and ends with warnings against false worship (cf. v.3,5,6,27) (2) Molech — child sacrifice, connection to death (cf. 2 Kings 3:26-27) (3) mediums — turni...  Read More
A Leviticus Life, Part 2: Holy Sexuality - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) series recap (2) sex like fireThe call to holy sexuality (1-5)Loyalty to God: (1) sexual ethics defined by God (2) “LORD your God” — God desires to be known personally and also a reminder of God’s saving work from Egypt (2) God’s design for sex not authoritarian but a result of bein...  Read More
A Leviticus Life, Part 2: Holy Worship - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) series recap (2) Ps. 115:4-9 — we become like what we value most (3) learning to worship Worshiping the right God (1-9)1. God of place (3-4): (1) tabernacle/temple the symbolic place where God dwelt (2) sacrifices to only be brought to the tent — penalty for failing to do this was b...  Read More
Intro to Leviticus 17-27 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) four big themes — sacrifice (1-7), mediator (8-10), purity (11-16), holiness (17-27) (2) four considerations of OT law — divinely inspired, original context, Christological fulfillment, current application (3) holiness — separated from sin, ultimate-value/honor toward the Lord1. Hol...  Read More
Summer Community - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) annual rhythms — from shep groups to summer (2) two concepts — friendship, hospitality (3) intro GWCTDPrinciple #1: Household: (1) Eph. 2:19 — strangers vs. members of the household (cf. practice of welcoming) (2) 1 Tim. 3:14-15 — behavior in the sight of God (cf. one another’s) (3)...  Read More
Messy Work, Part 1 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) series recap (2) master/servant (3) Chappell book (4) five biblical perspectives on workDignity of Work: (1) occupation vs. vocation (2) Gen. 2:15 — sustaining, flourishing (3) work preceded by identity (cf. Gen. 1:26) — picture of the gospel (3) work comes before fall (cf. 3:15) — ...  Read More
Messy Parenting, Part 2 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) God shapes our kids through us and vice versa (cf. Steve Young)Obedience for Children (1-3)1. Nature: (1) “children” here denotes those being “brought up” (v.4) — “obey” stronger than “submit” (2) universal truth (cf. Romans 1:28-30, 2 Tim. 3:2) — nature shows (3) evidence in other ...  Read More
Messy Parenting, Part 1 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) intro to parenting (2) ownership vs. stewardship (3) Tripp bookGod1. God offers grace: (1) past vs. present vs. future (2) calling not based in ability (3) 2 Cor. 12:9 —ability = pride (4) God calls us to that which exposes our hearts — more like children than unlike them (cf. resp...  Read More
The Resurrection and Exaltation of Jesus - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Introduction: (1) recap of Acts 2 (2) pick sermon up with next two events in Jesus’ life/ministry Resurrection (24-32)1. Jesus is real (24): (1) resurrection the next event in Jesus’ life — historical (2) “raised up” — opposite of “crucified/killed” (cf. Luke 24:5) (3) death couldn’t hold Chri...  Read More
The Death of Jesus - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) intro to PS/Easter (2) set up Acts 2Jesus’ death is for all kinds of people (2:1-8): (1) Pentecost = harvest — spiritual “harvest of souls” marked by diversity (2) “regular folks” speaking in non-native languages (cf. Canfields) — opposite of Tower of Babel (3) God desires all peopl...  Read More
Messy Marriage, Part 4 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) series recap (2) practical wrap-up thoughtsTruth and marriage: (1) Eph. 4:15 (2) marriage the “closest and most inescapable of all relationships” —forced to deal with flaws and sins (3) examples — fearful, inflexible, undisciplined, perfectionist, critical, people-pleaser, needy, in...  Read More
Messy Marriage, Part 2 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) series recap (2) Good Wife's Guide from 1965The command of submission (22)1.Husbands: (1) wives commanded to submit to husbands — no reciprocal command to husbands, (2) recognition of unique role of servant leadership given to husbands (3) what submission is NOT — all women to all me...  Read More
Messy Marriage, Part 1 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) Keller book (2) cupidoscopeThe Foundation of Marriage (5:25) — the gospel: (1) decline of marriage — divorce rate, births to married couples, percentage of population married (2) shift from “permanent union of mutual love to temporary sexual contract designed for immediate gratifica...  Read More
An Intro to Ephesians 5:21-6:9 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) overview of past two sermon series (2) themes around spiritual birth in ch.1-3 (3) themes around spiritual growth in ch.4:1-5:21 (4) the third big section (5:21-6:9) applies these truths to real world relational contexts (5) big three of marriage, parenting, work — define/frame each ...  Read More
Foundations: Elders - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) series finale (2) elder-led church — selection process, qualifications (3) duties — meetings, SGL oversight, communion, counsel/prayer (4) current team — Tim T., TW at some (5) importance of elders being spiritual leaders (6) two inserts in worship guide — membership responsibilitie...  Read More
Foundations: Communion - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro:  (1) series recap (2) study about losing things — brain not recording initial setting down of something  Where does it come from? OT meals: (1) Genesis 3:6 — forbidden fruit (2) Exodus 12:7-3 — PassoverNT meals: (1) Matthew 26:17, 26-29 — last supper (2) 1 Corinthians 11:23-30 — Lord’s ...  Read More
Foundations: Baptism - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) series recap (2) exploring baptism (3) teen who brought luggage to baptism in MalaysiaWhat is baptism? “external witness of an internal faith”Physical immersion: (1) early descriptions (2) Acts 8:36-39 (cf. Mk. 1:10, John 3:23)Physical picture: (1) Rom. 6:3-4 (2) OT background — floo...  Read More
Foundations: Prayer - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 9th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) “foundations” series (2) reasons we don’t pray — doesn’t work, don’t feel like it, no time, not worthy, petty concerns, don’t know how (3) seven reasons to pray (4) necessity of person/work of ChristSeven Reasons to Pray1. Prayer connects us with God (James 1:5, 4:2-3): (1) apart f...  Read More
Christ in the Psalms, God our Joy - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Joy from the pastCultivating awe (1,3): (1) “fortunes” = “captives” (2) “like those who dream” — a turn of events that is hard to process, like recovering from a life-threatening illness (Naaman, Jesus’ miracles, resurrection) (3) sometimes feel the Lord is not near or paying attention (cf. Psa...  Read More
Christ in the Psalms, God our Security - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) God is our only true source of security (2) new grad survey (3) 5 characteristics of the Lord that offer security to us after we place faith in ChristGod Stabilizes: (1) “Mount Zion” = Jerusalem (2) God’s offer of stability pictured by immovable mountains (cf. Mark 11:22-23) (3) sec...  Read More
Christ in the Psalms, God our Help - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study.Intro: (1) advent intro (2) Psalm 124 — thinking about how God helps us, sometimes in ways we don’t even think about (guy who packed the parachute) (3) four ways to experienceGod’s helpConfessing our dependence (1-2): (1) first half of an “if-then” statement that David is encouraging Israel to...  Read More
Growing in Spirituality - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) what does it look like to be filled with the Spirit? (2) first must recognize our spiritual emptiness apart from Christ (cf. Jeremiah 2:13, John 4:14, 7:37-38) (3) all forms of spirituality outside of Christ are empty, for it is only through Christ that we can be filled with God via...  Read More
Growing in Reflectivity - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) 5:1-2 — John 8:12 — Mt. 5:14-16 (2) “how has Christ brought light to my darkness, and WHO was pivotal in that?” (3) evangelism emphasis (4) read v.7-8 — four ways to reflect the light of ChristCultivate Fruit (9): (1) new life intended to produce new fruit — can only be produced by...  Read More
Growing in Identity - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) Jeremy’s question of “who am I?” (2) a question of what provides my sense of value, worth, meaning, purpose — Emma Thompson (3) attempts to answer this externally through achievement or internally through soul-searching (4) what about asking God?Disconnected from Christ (17-19)1. De...  Read More
Growing in Unity - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) recap (2) read passage (3) “calling” — singular vs. corporate, recognition that all of life with God is a response to what he has initiated toward us (4) format of covering passageThe Foundation of Christian Unity (4-6)1. Spirit (4): (1) “one body” = church (cf. 1:23) — the Spirit c...  Read More
Growing up in Christ - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) overview of Ephesians — messy (2) recap of ch.1-3 (3) intro of themes in ch.4-5 — growingThemes1. Growing in unity (4:1-6): (1) read v.1-3 — “unity” in 2:13-14, Acts 2:42, John 17 (2) not the same as uniformity (3) only possible through connection to the unity of the Lord— Tozer’s p...  Read More
Church and Children - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) background of past three years (2) cultural realities, foundation of God’s word, owner vs. steward (3) present church corporately responsible for forming future churchTheology1. OT: (1) Proverbs 22:6  importance of laying spiritual foundation through both love and correction (2) Ex...  Read More
Church and Prayer - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) prayer service — Onwuchekwa book (2) prayer on Sunday mornings — call to worship, confession, pastoral prayer, end of sermon, giving pastoral goal of bringing prayer shape to our congregation (4) 5 reminders about prayerBreathing prayer (17-22): (1) prayer like breathing (2) the pr...  Read More
Purity, Part 3 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) recap — significance of day of atonement (Yom Kippur) (2) “atonement” — broad word represented by a number of pictures/definitions to communicate what is necessary for sin to be addressed (3) read v.1-2 — Nadab/Abihu, ark/mercy seat (4) OT vs. NTOT Atonement1. Atonement and the pr...  Read More
Purity, Part 2 - SERMON NOTES
by Ben Talmadge on August 8th, 2024
Below are Pastor Ben's sermon notes from this past Sunday, in case they may be helpful for further study. Intro: (1) outward symbols — ordinances (2) seats/candles at advent/lent (3) thesis statement in 15:31 CategoriesChildbirth (ch.12): (1) v.1-5 — lengths of time of uncleanness for boy vs. girl (2) two likely reasons — sin’s effect on childbirth, presence of blood (3) time away — maternity leav...  Read More