Being the Church Through Regathering

Well, we have effectively entered the next phase of attempting to navigate a COVID-19 world. If we thought quarantine was difficult, now we have the challenge of figuring out how to regather. In some ways this may be the trickiest phase yet. And why is that? Mainly because we all have different thoughts and opinions about when and how to do that. Though we have been given some guidance by our civic authorities, there is still plenty of room for debate and disagreement.
In Romans 14 we see Paul addressing those in the church at Rome about disagreements they had over certain secondary issues, like which foods to eat and which holidays to observe. These “issues of conscience” are areas where it is perfectly okay for followers of Christ to have different understandings and opinions, while also realizing that these kinds of issues are not meant to break our fellowship with one another. So, how does Paul counsel them?
He tells them that holding different opinions, whether about food or holidays or regathering, is not a reason to start judging one another. To do so, Paul says, is to be a hindrance one another’s faith. In other words, if I put pressure on someone else to agree with my opinions about regathering, or if I put down someone else for disagreeing with me about some aspect of regathering, I am actually potentially doing damage to that person’s faith. Furthermore, this creates divisiveness within the body of Christ.
We must resist the temptation to let divisiveness over secondary issues drive us apart. This is why Paul prays in Romans 15:5-7: “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Paul does not try to get all believers united on secondary issues; rather, he prays that they would be united around Christ in the midst of their disagreements. This is my prayer for us in this time. We’re not all going to be of the same opinion when it comes to a plethora of issues connected to regathering, but what we are called to as the people of God is to pursue harmony despite our potential disagreements, remembering that what always unites us is our need for Christ. Since he has extended grace to us, may we extend grace to one another.   

From time to time I have used daily devotional books as a simple and quick way to connect with the Lord on a daily basis. Below are three I have used and recommend:

Abide in Christ - Andrew Murray
My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers
New Morning Mercies - Paul Tripp
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