Spring SUNDAY SCHOOL 2021 - FE.png

I & II Peter

I & II Peter are letters written to churches experiencing various kinds of trials – false teachers, distorted views of the gospel, and harsh persecution. Together, these letters communicate hope for living faithfully no matter how dark the times. Our study this semester will highlight the importance of holding fast to the true gospel, living distinct, holy lives, and looking ahead to the return of Christ.  

This adult class will be taught by Chad Berry, David Fletcher, and Jeremy Henderson in the Sanctuary.

Gideon - Middle & High School Youth Guy’s Class

Gideon, a man who was weak, fearful and untrained was transformed by God into one who would lead God’s people into battle against insurmountable odds and who would come out victorious. Throughout this semester guys will talk about principles from the life of Gideon for overcoming sin, for gaining courage from God’s promises, and for trusting God against all odds.

This class will be taught by Josh Dolphin and Brent Hutto in the Library.

In His Image - Middle & High School Youth Girl’s Class

Using “In His Image” by Jen Wilkin, this class will explore ten characteristics of who God is – holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise, helping girls to understand who God intends for them to be. Through Christ, the perfect reflection of the image of God, participants will discover how God’s own attributes impact how they live, leading to freedom and purpose as they follow his will and are conformed to his image.

Teachers of this class will be Amber Henderson and Karlie Wilson. The class will meet in an Annex classroom.