2022 Summer Sunday School Classes

Jesus spent a lot of time talking about money. In fact, He spent more time on money then He did on heaven or hell. Why is this? Because money is one of the chief competitors for our affections. Jesus warns that we cannot serve God and money. How then should we view and use money? How can our finances reflect the Gospel? How can we live wisely in this area, prioritizing God’s values above what is often a self-centered view of money and finances? In this class, we will address these questions and will see how the character of God should inform our perspective on money.

This adult/youth class will be taught by Keith Watson and Scott Glisson in the Annex.

The books of Ruth and Esther provide some of the most fascinating narrative in all of the Old Testament. Romance, betrayal, loyalty, heartbreak, passion, and the prospect of national extinction are all present as we read the stories of these two strong women of God. Amid the intrigue is a very clear message of God’s faithfulness, both to His people and to His plan of redemption. In this class, we will highlight God’s faithfulness in the Scripture and will see how even today He is still faithful to His people working out His eternal plan in the midst of a broken world.

This adult/youth class will be taught in the Fellowship Hall by Chad Berry, Jeremy Henderson, and Charlie Monroe.