Gospel of Matthew

The book of Matthew is a Gospel, an account of good news. That point may sound obvious, but it can’t be overlooked as we consider this first book of the New Testament. Matthew’s purpose is to write an account of the good news of Jesus Christ – how Jesus came, what Jesus did, what Jesus said, and what Jesus accomplished in His death and resurrection. These truths are intended to change our lives and the entire world.

This class is for all adults and high school youth. It will be taught by Phil Bishop, Jim Gleason, and Jonathan Guin in the Fellowship Hall.


What is your goal as a parent? Is it to survive parenthood? To raise functioning members of society? To have miniature versions of yourself that always do what they’re told and know a lot of Bible verses? Or is it more than that? Parenting is no different than any other element of the Christian life in that it is to be done with one singular purpose; to bring glory to the Lord Jesus (see I Corinthians 10:31). In this class, we will talk about how best to do that in one of the toughest jobs some will ever have.

This class will be taught in the Annex by Andy and Minda Paxton and Marshall and Elizabeth Renicks, who combined have over 50 years of parenting experience.

Gospel of Matthew- for Middle School

Our Middle School class this semester will mirror what is being taught on the adult level, but will be structured to meet the needs of our students. We will focus our time on the highlights of the book; the birth of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables of Jesus, the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the great commission, and will also get an overview of the book as a whole.

This class will be taught by Brent Hutto and Rachel Waits in the Library.