Summer SS 2018.jpg


The book of Nehemiah tells of the third of three returns by the Jewish people to Jerusalem after the seventy-year captivity in Babylon.  Jerusalem had a temple but there was not city wall to protect the city from attack. Nehemiah provides leadership to mobilize a city-wide construction crew for the building of the wall around Jerusalem.  This book provides a wonderful of example of how God uses ordinary people, like Nehemiah the layman, to accomplish his extraordinary plans.

Teachers: Seaborn Gray, Jonathan Guin, Scott Spears

Location: Fellowship Hall



Evangelism...we all know that it is something that we should be doing and many of us have a desire to share the wonderful good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  At the same, evangelism is often misunderstood and intimidating.  This class will look at the scriptures and a small book by Mark Dever, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, to help us answer many of the pressing questions – the Who? What? How? And Why? – about evangelism.

Teachers: Chad Berry, Phil Bishop, Nate Lynam

Location: Annex